Share your findings

Now that you have all the information you want neatly organized into a report, it's ready to be shipped out to clients and colleagues.

Cameron Klapwyk avatar
Written by Cameron Klapwyk
Updated over a week ago

Once you're satisfied with the report, you're likely going to share it people that want to analyze the information. Editing privileges are only given to people using a PiinPoint account, so there are a few ways to get this information out to people without letting them change your existing report. 

Sharing Options

Choices for sharing a report appear in the top right hand corner of any report.

To share an online version of the report, click on Share. You can send them the URL by copying and pasting the link, or within the app via email.

Excel Spreadsheet

To transfer your findings to an Excel spreadsheet, click on Export to Excel. The report will be separated into different sheets within the file for each tab within the report.

PDF Report

To download a hard copy of the report, click on the option to Print/Download PDF.

An options menu will appear giving you the choice of three different report types; Full, No Maps, or Advanced.

For a preset report type, choose between Full or No Maps. To configure your own style map, choose Advanced.

Click Create Printable Report and the PDF will begin to download.

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