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Save multiple versions of the map with projects

Nick Kyriakou avatar
Written by Nick Kyriakou
Updated over 3 years ago

Projects allow you to easily manage multiple instances of the map, saving your shapes, labels, POI, and Demographic selections to different map states.  Think of it like opening up a new Word document or Google doc, but instead, you're starting a new map. Projects are great for creating templated approaches to your research, e.g. based on the location types, regions, or concepts that you work with.

What gets saved?

  1. POI selection: Maintain a project to do research on your co-tenants, your competition, and nearby amenities.

  2. Target Market selection: Distinguish between your different customer types and save those profiles to their own project for a faster way of identifying suitable areas.

  3. Drawn shapes: Try out multiple scenarios when market planning by looking at trade areas by drive times, rings, or walk times.

  4. Labels: make your own annotations on the map but keep them separated depending what task you're working on.

Panel Orientation

The Project that is currently being worked on is labeled as the Active project.

Click Open to switch your view to different projects. 

Edit the name or description of each project by clicking on the ellipses to the right of the project status.

Creating New Projects

Clicking + New Project from within the Projects panel brings up a dialog box where you can enter its name and description.

If you want a totally fresh map view, select Start Fresh as the new project's skeleton. To branch off of a previous project and use it as a template, select that project from the drop-down. This will bring in all the trade areas, demographics, and POIs that were loaded in the old project.

To enable Projects in your account, contact 


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